Member Repair center


A small group of your fellow CLUB MEMBERS have decideD to offer A BENEFIT to members in good staNdiNGs.

A recent proposal has peaked interest and is proceeding forward. This proposal was made to avoid any extended inability to participate in car specific club activities due to mechanical issues. In addition, if your vehicle is just in need of a helping hand to get back on the road…that is the goal. The Charter Oak repair center will have a small list of important components (engines not included) rebuilt and ready to exchange in the event you have a catastrophic failure. It will also fit the criteria, if you have a component that is in such disrepair that it makes your car unsafe. This is not a means to restore your car and the owner is expected to continue maintenance as usual. If in the event you have an issue, a request to the repair board will be submitted. Each repair will be approved on a case by case basis with an estimate, and date for the repair being scheduled. Whatever your vehicles issue is, an evaluation will be completed and the cost in parts and shop use fee will be expected immediately following the repair. All funds will be used to replace parts and rebuild your component making it ready for the next member in need. This is a voluntary activity and by requesting help, the club and/or its members do not bare any legal or financial responsibility. You are simply receiving help from friends and that is your choice. You will be expected to participate in the repair and be involved to the best of your ability. Further information and details will be added as this moves forward.

PLEASE NOTE: Non-club members on tour in our area. If in the event you have an issue while touring. This will be a service available to you on a case by case basis and same rules apply with the addition of a club donation of your choice.

Hope you all are as excited as I am to see this be successful! Happy motoring and stay tuned.

For more information contact any of the following:

Bill Bennett (559)967-0112

Jason Deisman (559)361-2599

Phil Kneeland (599)679-1980